At the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, over 4.000 athletes competed across 23 official disciplines. But for these athletes — and millions of people living with disabilities around the world — the even bigger challenge is one that often goes unnoticed: Overcoming daily barriers.
During the Paralympic Games, Ottobock introduced the "UNOFFICIAL DISCIPLINE".
A symbolic new discipline highlighting the daily challenges faced by people with disabilities. To raise awareness for this topic, over 5.000 posters and installations were strategically placed at inaccessible locations in Paris, alongside a powerful social media movement in which athletes, ambassadors and other users shared their personal #UnofficialDiscipline.
The Unofficial Discipline became talk of the town in Paris and online, sparking a global movement that attracted massive media coverage. And more importantly, it made people stop, reflect, and shift their perspectives on site in Paris, led to a much needed conversation about inaccessibility and made people living with disabilities feel seen and heard.
Agency: PRESENCE Studios
Production Company: BWGTBLD
Photographer: Julien Barbès
Director: Alex Goeke
Editor: Matthias Graatz, Philipp Schneider, Andrej Gontcharov
Music: 2Music
Sound Design: Staub Audio & Not a Machine Berlin
DoP: Arvid Kornstrand